Additional Resources

Virginia Cooperative Extension's Master Food Volunteer training program is a great opportunity for those who love cooking, and learning about nutrition and wellness, to be trained to empower others to make healthy lifestyle changes. The City of Petersburg and Chesterfield County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension co-sponsor a four-part program to train volunteers to serve as community experts in basic nutrition and healthy cooking.
The Master Food Volunteer Program is modeled after Virginia Cooperative Extension's Master Gardner Program which trains residents to serve as community experts in horticulture. Volunteers in this Master Food Volunteer Program receive 30 hours of training in basic nutrition, meal planning, healthy cooking techniques, and food safety with an opportunity to sample delicious, healthy recipes. In exchange, participants are asked to complete 30 hours of volunteer service with the first 20 hours to the Petersburg Healthy Option Partnership (PHOPPS) initiative within one year. Once those hours are completed you will be refunded 1/2 of your total fee paid as part of the PHOPPS CDC 5-year grant! Volunteer opportunities include food demonstrations and displays at health fairs or farmers markets, food preparation and food safety classes and assistance with nutrition education programs. A $90 participant fee for the class covers the curriculum, educational materials, apron, food demonstration costs and background check (non-refundable fee of $10). Lunch will be provided each day of the training.
Master Food Volunteer Application
An interview and references are required as part of the application process. A background check will be completed on all applicants.
To request an application or for more information please contact:
Katrina Kirby, City of Petersburg-VCE Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent at 804-733-1880 or email at
Ann F. Vargo, Family and Consumer Sciences SNAP-Ed Agent, 804-433-2556 or email at
Your local Petersburg Virginia Cooperative Extension is proud to offer and is now recruiting a NEW class of Master Financial Education Volunteers (MFEV) to participate in a four-week training program.
Our community & citizens are struggling to make ends meet; by becoming a MFEV you will be trained to provide informaion on financial literacy so you can go out in your community, neighborhood, church, school, organiztion, etc. and spread the knowlege. Volunteers will be given 20 hours of training on topics relevant to the problems in the community. These tools will allow MFEV to improve the financial capability of those in our community through various mediums, including classroom sessions, 1-on-1 mentoring and working with established Virginia Coopeaive Extension Progms.
Once you become a MFEV you are charged to go in your community and help others learn about ways to manage money, improve their credit, debt management, plan for home ownership and more. All MFEV will serve as partners with Virginia Coopeatiave Extension to promote, inform, and work with community leaders, industry and individuals presenting programs on all aspects of Family & Consumer Sciences including financial management.
Why volunteer? *Develop leadership skills *Increase your knowledge of finance as it pertains to the family dynamic *Share your skills and talents with those who can truly benefit from it *Help strengthen your community *Build your resume * and the list goes on...
An interview and references are required as part of the application process. A background check will be completed on all applicants. A $75 participant class fee covers a $10 non-refundable background check, a comprehensive training manual-full of financial information to be used in your community, refreshments & lunch for 4 full days.
For more information contact Katrina Kirby, City of Petersburg-VCE Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent at 804-733-1880 or email at
Bed bugs have been a pest of humans throughout history and were a common pest in the United States at the turn of the previous century. Since the 1990's, we have seen an increase in bed bug infestations in the United States. There are many theories about why bed bug infestations have returned including increases in international travel, the transfer of secondhand furniture and clothing, a higher turnover of occupants in multi-unit housing, widepsread resistance to insecticide (including DDT); and a lack of bed bug awareness and precautions worldwide. When we consider the billions of people living on earth today compared to 100 years ago, it should be no surpise that there are more bed bugs. For more information visit https://ext/vt/edu/family.html select "publications " then "home pests" for a complete list of researched data reports.
Why Prepare?
If you think about it, you take precautions every day, not just when an emergency occurs. For instance, you wear a seat belt in the car just to protect you in case of an accident. You make your children wear helmets when they ride their bicycles. You double check your iron to make sure it is unplugged.
Preparing for emergencies is not new. Your grandparents probably have extra supplies, such as: soap and shampoo in the bathroom closets, onions and potatoes stored in the basement, and canned goods on pantry shelves in thier home. They understood the value of having a little extra on hand in case of emergencies. All states and counties have experienced disaster. Virginian's have experienced ice storms, thunder storms, tornadoes, huricanes, floods and power outages. It is wise to be prepared for the unexpected.
What is in this Brochure?
Description of how to cope with an emergency situation and protect your family. It will help you to:
Assemble an emergency kit
Develop a family communication plan
Develop a family evacuation plan
Develop an in-home care plan for family members with special needs
Petersburg Cooperative Extension is offering Parenting Classes
Pathways to Effective Parenting
Classes for parents, grandparents, childcare providers and anyone needing help with parenting and communication skills. Information focuses on pre-school children, primary, elementary school-ages children and teens. Certificated to be awared to participants that complete the entire eight (8) week session. Classes held on Thursdays (eight sessions) between 10:00 - 12:30 each session. Pre-registration is required. Maximum of 25 participants per class. Classes fill up quickly, Register Early! If questions call 804-733-1880 or email Katrina Kirby at
As part of a PreventT2 group, you will work with other participants and a trained lifestyle coach to learn the skills you need to make lasting changes. These changes include losing a modest amount of weight, being more physically active, and managing stress.
Being part of a group provides support from other people who are facing similar challenges and trying to make the same changes you are. Together you can celebrate successes and fit ways to overcome obstacles. Participants will get support making healthy lifestyle changes to achieve their goals. Complete this short survey to learn more: